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Kessan Römork Hakkında

P o w e r f u l l . . . 

S t r o n g  . . . 

F u n c t i o n a l . . .

Since 1978...

About Us . . . 

KESSAN is one of the most well known trade mark on manufacturing Agricultural Treylers and Agricultural Machineries in Aegean Region and in Turkey.

KESSAN was established by Mr.Mehmet KESKiN in 1978, 
and, today, is directed by Mr. Abdi KESKiN. We are giving effort to provide the newest and the best products to our farmers everyday by using our experiences over 40 years... 

We try to respond to the demands of our customers by bringing our efficiency and quality conditions to a continuous high level at our new factory, which has 7.000 m2 closed area and 2.000 m2 open area.

With our experienced workers and our mass production machines we have built in a real factory environment, we will always be next to our farmers as it is now.
KESSAN Römork Yeni Fabrika Açılışı
Mehmet KESKİN, Firma Kurucusu
Mehmet KESKİN 
Founder of the Company
Abdi KESKİN, Genel Müdür
General Manager

Römork ve Tarım Makineleri Sanayii

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Sanayi Sitesi 35. Sokak No:13,
35755, Ödemiş

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+90 232 544 44 73

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+90 232 544 27 07

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+90 532 771 44 73

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© 2024 KESSAN Römork

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